Monday, April 2, 2012

Something Pretty Awesome in a Nutshell You Ought to Read

I'm sorry I haven't posted, I WAS IN SHOCK. Then I recovered, went to see The Hunger Games again, and WENT back INTO SHOCK. Is this going to be a good movie review? Yes. But don't stop reading now I've ruined it. You'll miss the big news. Here- I'll indent and everything.

I thought this movie would stink.

Not that I wanted it to. What kind of despicable human being would be rooting for the Hunger Games to fail? The kind of human being who hates Nutella and pauses Zac Effron movies just to punch the screen. I wanted this movie one of those movies that wins every Oscar and everybody gets sick of hearing about except for me. But I was worried about it, especially after watching every one of the teeny tiny little clips they let leak to the internet. There were like, two, but I was still worried, because they didn't look all that great.

Well, apparently I'm not a very good judge of movie character at first sight, because, news flash: that movie rocked. Way for crushing my expectations to a pulp and then blowing my little fan-girl mind with awesomeness. An FYI for you, just in case you live in District 13 and haven't seen it (because why else would you have not seen it yet?): Hunger Games rocked. Me, 85% of American movie critics, and (most likely) Miley Cyrus* say so.

But unfortunately, I'm not here to give you a list of Ten Reasons Why You Will Fall in Love With Josh Hutcherson After This Movie (although I do have a list of that), or rave about Katniss' dresses or use fifty-seven exclamation points or something. I'm here to make another point. Something slightly more important (then I'll get to that stuff). 

It didn't stink, (YAY!) but it wasn't perfect either. Hang with me for two more seconds and I'll tell you why.

(Lots of spoilers ahead. If you don't like spoilers, you're a little bit too grumpy for a pink blog, and should be reading something else. LIKE THE HUNGER GAMES. Then come back.)

Number one. Too little character development between Peeta and Katniss. Character development between your love interests, my friends at Lionsgate, is the magic secret to adorable romances.Where, in an action packed romance thriller, are we going to fit character development? Suzy Collins knew. I know now too, because I listen to Suzy Collins. And it isn't very hard.

If you ask me, all we needed for me not to have to complain about this was ten more minutes in the cave scene. Clear up Katniss' internal conflict (namely, the fact that she's having any at all) and let Peeta rant about his undying love a bit. For just seven minutes. Just a little bit more. That's all it would take.

I know, I know: selling the show for the romance turns all us crying fans in the audience into the Capitol and that's not the point. But it sort of is. The genius irony behind the story is that we are the audience. Also, Katniss and Peeta's romance is sort of kind of, just a little bit, maybe the crux of the yet to come monsters of box office domination that are Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Giving the romance more to go on would make sequels easier.

But instead, we have one conversation where Peeta sounds like a stalker (but Josh can pull it off anyway!), Katniss gives him ONE kiss (yes I counted how many kisses there were in this movie- but it isn't very hard to count to ONE) then poof! Holy Haymitch does your head injury look better. Let's get out of here and be attacked by wild dogs.

Costumes. They're fine. But The Hunger Games isn't like Twilight. It's not a fad the world loves now and but is going to laugh at in 2025 (and laugh at a little right now, too). Hunger Games is a story that future generations will probably need to hear even more than we need to. It has a message we can't afford to forget. While in 2012 all the tributes look pretty awesome and inspire Halloween costumes, they're decked out in 2012 every bit as much as we are. 

In 1982, Tron was nominated for Academy Awards for outfits that lit up. Now I look at those costumes, and it's a joke I can't take seriously. Hunger Games can't afford that. They needed to make it look eternal.
This leaks into set, too. If they wanted my kids to one day take it seriously, everything should have been classic. The Capitol, gold and marble and velvet style.

I have a little bit more, but I'll complain later to anybody who'll listen in the school hallway. Now, would you like to hear some awesome reasons the movie is worth watching anyway? And watching again?

1. Jennifer Lawrence just makes Katniss better. So much better, in fact, that the character may even be tolerable in Mockingjay! And that's saying something. What it's saying is, she rocked it.

2. The Capitol is Salt Lake City. In the books, it says it's surrounded by the Rocky Mountains. And if you look, for seven whole seconds, you can see my Rockies, right behind Effie's apartment building. I like to think Gary Ross and Suzanne Collins snuck into my backyard to get the footage.

3. Somebody is an awesome cinematographer. I didn't watch the credits that closely, but Somebody gets my kudos.

4. Two words. Elisabeth Banks. One quote. "That is MAHOGANY!" And a nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

5. Do you even need a list of Ten Reasons You Should Fall in Love With Josh Hutcherson?

*I'm just assuming, here, seeing as her boyfriend is in a full eight minutes of this movie.


  1. This is a very balanced honest review. It is hard to admit to flaws in a movie you loved so much. You know I completely agree on the Katniss/Peeta problem--but I hadn't considered the problem of the costumes and set until you talked about it. So I take it you have a major crush on Josh Hutcherson? Who can blame you? You belong to a Sparknotes clan. One day you'll find the link to them.


    1. This was so funny when we posted it . . . now it looks a little scary:)

  3. Touche to the set design, although I'm not exactly sure I agree with the your dreams of Hunger Games being eternal. Last time I checked, it's not on the list of movies (i.e. Robin Hood, Labyrinth, Swan Princess, etc.) my children will be allowed to poison their minds. I'm also not positive it's popular where I'll be living during my adult years. So yeah. Eternity. Perhaps not. As for dough boy, bleh. I never thought the boy you'd FINALLY fall for would be a girl. Practically. Find a real man. Not a sissy :) "And may the OOODDDDSSSS be EEEVVVVEEERR in your FFFAAAVVVOOOR"

    ~Dubldore (a.k.a Dumbee)

  4. Hullo Lauren! (I know, I'm not very good at introductions) This is a good review! I agree with most of the points ... except for Josh Hutcherson! I'm sorry, but his mouth was hanging open like a FISH for quite a few minutes after he was picked from the reaping. By the way, that is probably my most disagreeable introduction ever. *bows* My name's Patricia, and I randomly stumbled on your blog! I like it. It's funny. aaw, running out of things to say ...

    Keep posting! ~PG-13

  5. Dear Dumbee and PG13,

    Sounds like someone really needs my 10 Reasons to Love Josh Hutcherson list. And by someone, I mean you guys, in case that wasn't clear. Up for it?
